ہاں فقہ حنفی قرآن وحدیث کا نچوڑ ہے۔
طالب الرحمن کی زہریلی کتاب کیا فقہ حنفی قرآن و حدیث کا نچوڑ ہے؟ کا مدلل و محقق جواب۔ طالب الرحمن کی خیانتیں اور جھوٹ۔ فقہ حنفی کی مایہ ناز کتاب ہدایہ پر ہونے والے اعتراضات کا علمی و تحقیقی جائزہ۔
اعتراض نمبر1: قصاص لینے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر2: زنا کی سزا کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر3: چوری کی سزا کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر4:شراب نوشی کی سزا کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر5: مشرکین کے حرم میں داخلہ کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر6: قصاص صرف تلوار سے لینے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر7: درہم کے برابر نجاست کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر8: نجاست چاٹ کر پاک کرنے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر9: مدت رضاعت کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر 10: ایمان میں کمی زیادتی کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر11: فجر اور عصر کے دوران سورج کے طلوع و غروب کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر12: زبردستی نکاح و طلاق کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر13:مدینہ منورہ کے حرم ہونے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر14: فرض نمازوں کی آخری دو رکعتوں میں قرأت کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر15: نماز کو اطمینان سے پڑھنے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر16: سات اعضاء پرسجدہ کرنے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر17: کتے اور گدھے کے گوشت کی تجارت کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر18: عمامہ پر مسح کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر19:میت کی طرف سے وارث کے روزے رکھنے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر20: آخری تشہد میں جان بوجھ کر وضو توڑنے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر21: شرائط امامت کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر22:بادشاہ وقت پر حد کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر23:شراب سے سرکہ بنانے کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر24:درندہ کی کھال کے استعمال کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر25: زبردستی کی طلاق کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر26: گستاخ رسول کی سزا کا مسئلہ
اعتراض نمبر27: محرّمات سے نکاح پر حد کا مسئلہ
اس کے علاوہ ملاحظہ کریں غیر مقلدین کے کچھ شرمناک مسائل
یہ سب کچھ پڑھنے کے لیے کتاب ڈائون لوڈ کریں۔
Mufti Muhammad
Darulifta wal Irshaad , Nazimabad, Karachi
TRANSLATION by Ahnaf Media Service
Question :
There are lectures being held at different places by Madam Dr.Farhat Naseem Hashmi, in which a large number of women , fashionable and those versed in worldly education are participating. Dr. Hashmi's discourse is also printed in a daily newspaper from Karachi. Further, Dr. Farhat Hashmi has also established an institution by the name "Al-Huda International" in which the girls are provided religious education and after a short-course they are encouraged to deliver lectures among women.
In her discourses , we get to hear such things which we didn't hear before .
We are presenting you the Daily's press-cutting. Please have a look and provide us with your feedback about Dr. Hashmi, as to whether it's permissible to attend her lectures and read her discourses in the newspaper or not? Is it permissible for us to educate our girls in any of the branches of "Alhuda International"?
( Sajid - Karachi )
Answer :
After reading the presented cuttings from the Daily, and considering other lectures by Dr. Farhat Naseem Hashmi, it becomes quite evident that Dr. Hashmi is promoting several wrong ideologies under the label of publishing Qur'an and Sunnah.
Dr. Hashmi has completed her PhD from Glasgow University ( Which she has admitted herself during an interview published in a daily newspaper ). Completing PhD in Glasgow University itself can suffice in rendering Dr. Hashmi suspicious, due to the fact that the Orientalists in the Universities of non-Muslim countries have been involved in creating suspicions and doubts in the name of Islamic research for ages.
Several such institutions have been established for the purpose of preparing personnel to distort and abrogate the teachings of Islam. The syllabi in these institutions are compiled in such a manner that the quite often the people studying there tend to get deceived and end up causing fitnah in the Muslim world.
The ideologies of Dr. Hashmi that have been brought forward, some of them are clearly misguided, some extremely deviating and some can cause fitnah . The details are as follows :
1) Deeming Taqleed as absolutely impermissible.
In the history of about 1400 years, the majority of Muslim Ummah has been following the four Imams , due to the fact that the rulings deduced by them are actually adapted fromthe Qur'an and Sunnah. If such following is rendered absolutely impermissible, this would mean that the majority of Muslim Ummah had been under misguidance.
2) Saying that if missed prayers are a lot, making up for them is not compulsory, mere repentance is sufficient.
This too is a clear misguidance and synonymous to nullifying the obligation as importance as salaah, based upon one's mere opinion. This is because making up for the missed prayers is proven through the Holy Qur'an and Authentic Ahadeeth. Just one Hadith is being presented which also points to a verse of the Holy Qur'an :
وحدثنا نصر بن علي الجهضمي حدثني أبي حدثنا المثنى عن قتادة عنأنس بن مالك قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا رقد أحدكم عن الصلاة أو غفل عنها فليصلها إذا ذكرها فإن الله يقول أقم الصلاةلذكري
When a person from you sleeps from the prayer or leaves it due to negligence so whenever he recalls it, he should perform the prayer, for Allah the Most High has said : " Establish prayer for my remembrance "
In the commentary of this verse , Imam Nakh'ee Rahimahullah has said like this :
اللام للظرف اي إذا ذكرتني أي إذا ذكرت أمري بعد ما نسيت ( فتح الملهم ج 4 ص 490 طبع جديد )
i.e. when you recall my order , then offer prayers. Therefore this verse also comprises of missed prayers.
For this very reason, all the major respected jurists have agreed upon this ruling.
3) Inviting those people who have merely read the translation and abridged commentary of the Holy Qur'an to deduce concealed rulings of the Holy Qur'an.
In the light of Hadeeth, this viewpoint and modus operandi of Dr. Hashmi is extremely corruptive. Therefore, Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam has said :
من قال في القرأن بغير علم فليتبوا مقعده من النار ( المشكوة ص 35 )
Whoever said anything in (the commentary of ) the Qur'an without knowledge , should make hell his destiny.
The commentator on Mishkaat , Mullah Ali Qaree Rahimahullah has explained "Knowledge" as the following :
اي دليل يقيني أو ظني نقلي أو عقلي مطابق للشرعي ( المرقاة ج 1 ص 490 )
Meaning that anything said regarding any verse of the Qur'an should be based on daleel (proof) . "That daleel being either Naqlee ( any other verse of the Holy Qur'an, Ahadeeth, sayings of The Noble Sahabah or Respectable Tabi'een ) or logical but should be in accordance to the rules of Shari'ah and should not be conflicting with any Naqlee proof."
And it's quite an evident fact that acquisition of such knowledge by reading merely an abridged commentary of the Holy Qur'an is not possible; rather, if someone acquires the knowledge of such a high caliber after spending years and years, even that is considered a gift.
4) Creating distrust towards the religious scholars and jurists. The institutions performing the responsibility of delivering vast and profound education of Islamic knowledge; belittling their significance from the hearts and considering short-course sufficient for religious knowledge.
Moreover, the rulings deduced by a Mujtahid Imam based on his deep knowledge of the Qur'an and Hadeeth; persistently rendering them wrongful and against Qur'an and Hadeeth .
Such an aspect of Dr. Hashmi is also extremely corruptive and deviating towards fitnah.
5) Sometimes Dr. Hashmi criticizes the decisions of the Jurists in such a manner that even the Noble Sahabah Radhi Allahu Anhum also become its target :
" Where does Allah prohibit us that don't read Qur'an in these days? Where has he denied you giving its education? Nowhere. So if nowhere has He prohibited then who are these people to impose self-made sanctions upon us?"
( daily ........ 17th March ,2001 A.D )
Whereas Imam Tirmidhi has narrated two Marfoo Ahadeeth from Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar and Hadhrat Ali , Radhi Allahu Anhum; after relating one Mauqoof hadeeth from Ibn Umar Radhi Allahu anh, he said :
وهو قول أكثر أهل العلم من اصحاب النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم والتابعين و من بعدهم مثل سفيان الثوري وإبن المبارك والشافعي و أحمد و إسحاق قالو لا تقرأ الحائض ولا الجنب و نحو ذلك و رخصوا للجنب و الحائض في التسبيح و التهليل ( جامع ترمذي ص 34 ج 1 باب ما جاء في الجنب و الحائض إنهما لا يقراء ان القرأن )
A number of erudite people including the Noble Sahabah , the Tabi'een and latter scholars like Sufyan Al-Thawri, Ibnul Mubaarak, Imam Shafi'ee , Imam Ahmad, and ImamIs'haaq; these all state that people who are menstruating or polluted ( after sexual act or wet dream) should not read anything from the Qur'an, except for a minute part of a verse. However, these (jurists) have allowed Tas'bih and Tahleel to those with menses and impurity.
Keeping in mind the above statement of Imam Tirmidhi, read the following lines of Dr. Hashmi with great caution " then who are these people to impose self-made sanctions upon us?"
Dr. Hashmi further says :
"So remember! self-made sanctions in religion are not piety; let the religion be to the extent of what it is, so get out of these predicaments. Why is it that women cannot go to the Masjid, women can't read the Qur'an..... why are these self-made restrictions all for women only?"
( daily ........ 17th March ,2001 A.D )
While the fact of the matter is a number of Nobel Sahabah Radhi allahu anhum have stopped women from coming to the masjid.
Amir al-Mu'mineen Hadhrat Umar Radhi Allahu anh passed an order during his time of Khilafah that 'from now on, young women should not come to the Masjid'
( Badai al Sanai Vol 1, Page 157 - Printed : H.M.Saeed Company ).
Abdullah bin Umar Radhi Allahu anh used to stand on Friday and threw pebbles on women to make them get out of the Masjid.
(Umdatul Qari Vol 4, Pg 647 Printed Beirut).
At one instance Abdullah bin Mas'ood Radhi Allahu Anh evacuated the women from the Masjid on Friday and said " Go to your homes, your homes are better for you "
(Al-Targhib wat-Tarheeb Vo 1, Pg 190 )
It is narrated by Hadhrat Aa'yisha Radhi Allahu Anha that if Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam saw such condition which has grown among the women today, He would have stopped them from coming to the Masjid, like the women of Bani Isra'eel had been stopped.
( Sahih Bukhari Vol 1 Pg-120 , Sahih Muslim Vol 1 Pg-183 )
Therefore, due to the aforementioned details, participation in Dr. Farhat Naseem Hashmi's lecture, reading her lecture and obtaining education in "AlHuda International" founded by her is not permissible at all; rather it's compulsory to keep others away from it as well.
والله العاصم من جميع الفتن
( Allah protect us from all fitan )
دنیا بھر کے اخبار
دنیا کے کسی بھی ملک کی لوکل خبریں اور اخبار دیکھیں
روزانہ ایک حدیث عربی متن اور ترجمہ کے ساتھ باحوالہ حاصل کریں
یہاں اپنا ای میل ایڈریس لکھیں اور ہر روز باحوالہ حدیث عربی متن کے ساتھ حاصل کریں۔ اپنے دوستوں کو بھی بتائیں اور دعاوں میں یاد رکھیں۔
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